
Square-Enix Likes to Make You Suffer


Bravo, Square-Enix. I thought ACP was the winner in terms of half-assing and calling it new content, but this takes the cake. It's quarter-assing, or maybe one-eighth assing, at best. I'm almost impressed at how they've managed to rob me of both my time and my money yet again.

Take everything you and everyone else hated about ACP, multiply it by 2, and add to it a poorly-written, unengaging "plot" and you have FFXI's newest add-on scenario and glorified, gold-plated turd, A Moogle Kupo d'Etat.


Farm items, CS, Farm items, CS, Mandies, Seed Afterglows, BCNM, CS, Final Boss. Spitting image of ACP, just without the mystery.

I have never had less fun playing this game. Here, you're pitted to solipsistically track down key items all over Vana'diel, so that you can travel to Jeuno countless times to inspect an Inconspicuous Door (if it's inconspicuous, why the hell does it say 'inconspicuous' on it?) for another boring and uneventful cutscene about your Moogle. It's not fun. It's not funny. It's not even coherent.

Remember the Seed Afterglows in Fei'Yin? You get to do that again. In Quicksand Caves. Yes, Quicksand Caves--that zone most people have never wandered more than 20 yalms into. And they don't all appear on the same map. No. They can be on any of the 8 maps of Quicksand Caves (FUN).

Oh, yes, they didn't forget the requisite, capped, naked mad-dash before the final boss. It's in Castle Zvahl this time.

Did the critics say ACP was too short or something? I don't recall anyone complaining about the ACP body being too easy to get. Come on, SE. You may as well open up a virtual store, because I really don't feel like giving up my time to do these ridiculous quests any more.

Shantotto's Ascension better have an amazing piece of equipment because I am not shelling out another ten bucks to be incoherently, keyboard-mashingly frustrated again.

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