
Featured Friend: Aydindril & Khellendros

SO, I got tired of waiting around for some pretty headers for this, so I'll just get right to it.

TinycName: Aydindril
Relation: Friend
How We Met: Maybe one or two days after ZNMs were released, I was helping out Mascrapone with his Vulpangue Trigger. After some heartache and fail, Sepharix and Ayd decided to help us out. Ayd(SMN): "Yo, yo! I need mah TPz!" We still wiped, but I laughed pretty hard and told Mas I thought she was cool. I was BLU66 at the time.

If it wasn't for Ayd, I probably never would have finished Divine Might, Nyzul Isle, and MMM.
What Do I Think?: I think Ayd is one of the funniest people I know on Siren, and she's a skilled and dedicated player to boot. She's a bit impetuous and sometimes, inaccessible, but that makes her all the more fun to have around when she's actually free and not exhausted!
Fun Fact: Ayd owns a Gae Assail, Stage 4 of Gungnir relic lance! She's also an Impossible to gauge PLD, missing only maybe an Aegis at this point! :O
Job She Should Play Next: DNC!


TinycName: Khellendros
Relation: Pookie of a Friend
How We Met: I swaggered Ayd into helping me learn Asuran Claws, so Khell came along on his THF to help out. At the time, because Khell's model is a female taru, I though they were "just friends," then I though they were... "Friends" in the way that Sailor Uranus and Neptune are friends, but then I found out he was a guy.

He and Ayd (but mostly him because he passed his to me) also helped me big time to get my Koggelmander, the sword I NEVER take off because it's so freaking epic.
What Do I Think?: Khell is like my nerdy Final Fantasy soul-mate. It's so delightful to talk to someone who knows who "Kain Highwind" is or what "Scourge" does. I don't see Khell online as often anymore, which is a shame, and I'd like to do some more events and junk with him again!
Fun Fact: Khell uses Nashira Seraweels on BLU because he doesn't have Homam Cosciales yet. He's also unrivaled in his encyclopedic knowledge of FFXI-mechanics and has more BLU relic than I do. :(
Job He Should Play Next: Needs more DD. Imma say RNG!

Black Mage Khellendros and Paladin Aydindril join your party!!



Khellendros said...

IT'S ABOUT TIME. You forgot my amazing sense of humor and punny... puns.

Khellendros said...

Oh yeah, and my SCH is only 67 right now, my other 75 job is SMN :o

Aydindril said...


I remember that evil ZNM ;o fun times although death inducing. >_>

Eremes said...

Oh poop D:<

Omari said...

Ignore Khell, he's just jealous my sch is 67 as well!

Now that I think of it.. the first time I -really- got to know Ayd was doing znms. I gave her the Karura Hachigane from my Vulpangue trig.