
Royale Ramble in 3 Minutes

You will need:
  • 2 well-geared/merited Blue Mages
  • 1 WHM/BLM (With Auspice, Barsleepra)
  • DD/NINx2 (With Poison Potions)
  • Babysitter (With Echo Drops)
Start by putting your BLM King on simmer for about 20 seconds. One of your DD/NIN should add a Poison Potion for zest whilst s/he stirs back and forth. Your babysitter should be sure to set the WHM Queen to the side for later!

Beat the BLM Queen vigorously while you're doing this. If you're slack, the batter will be too clumpy!

Next, proceed to stun-lock the King, with bursts of weaponskills and Blue Magic damage. If the King is turning red, you know you're doing it right!!

Finally, top with a bit of WHM Queen. Serve chilled.

For even faster results, have your WHM open the Armory Crate and Escape from Balga's Dais. This should save you a lot of time!!


HART said...

Ah geez, couldn't you have tried this a week earlier when I tried to trio it? :/

P.S. iirc, escape still takes you to West Sarutabaruta (where you'd normally be taken when you complete a BC in Balga's Dais).

Eremes said...

Nu uh, we checked. Puts you outside of Giddeus.

HART said...

Wow, that's crazy <_<
Damn you wiki :/