

Omgosh, I totally thought BLU was finished, but SE doesn't seem to think so.

So the first one looks like a buff, the second one like a new DD spell? I'm willing to bet one of them is learned off of gargoyles in Beaucedine/Xarcabard [S].

Let's just hope either their Skill multiplier is low, or that they're mid 60's spells, otherwise their damage will be shitty à la Asuran Claws. :|


Lol I guess the other updates are nice, especially the skill up update. Otherwise, meh. Where the hell is the promised BST update that makes jug pets level up like Wyverns? :(


HART said...

If SE decides to revert killer instincts back to their previous effects (forgot exactly what it was, but iirc it provided the killer with enhanced melee capabilities), then BST is gonna get a pretty nice boost from just that ;o

Though that alone wouldn't be enough for BST imo :/

Eremes said...

BST would need a Sic update to allow them either to choose the WS of their pet (or affect it the way DRG does at least) or to lower the Sic timer.

Also, more HNMs need to spawn Charmable minions that are too tedious to handle without BSTs.

Finally, BST needs a low-damage Jug pet with a very high degree of Subtle Blow. As long as its damage holds up on IT, it won't feed mobs TP, thereby allowing BST to help out.

That would fix BST entirely imo.