

To whom it may concern:


The latest version update brought with it much-needed exposition and development of the Wings of the Goddess storyline as well as some intriguing new gameplay elements. However, it also inadvertently resurrected the Jeuno {/Shout}, the bane of my existence:

At least Whitegate banter is comprehensible. Not that having your {/Shout} filter on would cost you any opportunities in Jeuno (yet), but something about having to turn my filter on makes me feel horribly wronged.

As a side note, this is why Fields of Valor is a Trojan horse:

Mass agro

It attracts unsuspecting players with promises of treasure and experience points and smites them down with unsafe camps, mass agro, and utterly illogical prey. After 3 levels and several deaths (I've lost count) in Fields of Valor, SE has made me want to look for parties again.



Omari said...

I actually enjoy fields of valor. Great way to get more exp when lvling a lower lvl job while soloing.

Vagu'Stae said...

I also like FoV, but SE's "recommended levels" for them are farfetched or something; I was barely able to do Qufim's page 2 at level 27-28 DRK...

Eremes said...

Yeah c.c 34-37 Beaucedine is challenging enough at 41-42 >.>