
Moblin Maze Mongers

So I'm only missing three runes for my Koggelmander Maze Tabula! Incidentally, Supreme Might is the only one I can't purchase with Moblin Marbles.

Also I've heard that MMM can be conducive to 20k/hour meriting. If the legends are true, the following Tabula could be incredibly valuable to have:

It works on very powerful, bird/imp mobs that attack en masse. Additionally, one of the above runes will multiply the exp earned from the hoardbox, making the overall maze give between 9 and 12k exp depending on whether a band is used. Multiply that tabula by 6 and you have about 60k exp, or 6 merits from MMM.

About the same as a good merit pt without the hassle of collecting runes, but this is also not contingent on finding open camps.

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