
Before They Were Famous

Due to a combination of boredom, bedridden-ness, need for Imperial Standing and Imperial Standing related items, and downright curiosity, I decided to take Aydindril's advice Tinycand work on the Aht Urhgan Generals questline.

I gotta say, these quests are pretty neat, and they increase in neatness as you go along. By the end of the questline, I thought I was watching Wings of the Goddess cutscenes. As such, Rughadjeen, Najelith, and Zazarg get less-than-stellar, albeit interesting, cutscenes devoted to them. In particular, Rughadjeen's story did next to nothing for me.

Najelith's was better because of a more emotional and perhaps moral angle to her story. Also, she's a woman, so I feel some biologically-induced chivalry towards her.

Zazarg's was interesting as well, this time due to the character of Zazarg. A bit Tinycmore realistic, perhaps, than Najelith, but the cutscenes weren't very impressive. But, hey, this guy's truly a man's man.

Mihli's story was my favorite; I suppose it's because I had never gotten the impression that Mihli was the way she is, so I guess I had the most to learn from this story. You also get a little background on the Mithran homeland, Tsahya. Great cutscenes and a surreptitious little ToAU spoiler included.

Gadalar is perhaps the most frustrating of the five. He's the biggest tool (and I knew that before I started the quest), and you ACTUALLY get an option to get back at him, but you're called a backstabber for it and forced to select the "nobler" option.

I had some trouble acclimatizing myself to and appreciating different kinds of characters, even those that are self-centered and inconsiderate. The story itself is interesting, and the cutscenes are topnotch (almost WotG quality), but they don't do much for you sympathizing with the guy... Until the very end. :3

Now that I've finished the questline, I can challenge all 5 generals in a 60 cap BC in the Stellar Fulcrum to gain the title "The Sixth Serpent." This was once only available to players who had attended fanfest. :O

Also, {/random}:

That was in full acc gear. Yeah I don't know what the hell that was about either. c_c;



Aydindril said...

Mihli is so cool. :3

RinZhu said...
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RinZhu said...

lol I did these long time ago, just havent finished flamemans cuz of the stupid flower D:
and double post ftl.. st00pid lag x.x

Omari said...

D: I wuv Mihli. I should really finish ToAu and do these story lines.

HART said...

Titles? Bye Bye Totosai onry