
'Finally! I look as pretty as I feel.'

To whom it may concern:

Finally, the wait is over...


Yop, that's mine! First drop of the evening too. :3

Needless to say, I'm quite pleased. In particular, I'm happy to be running with LumeriaDynamis now. For a new Dynamis Shell, they are very organized and communicate well with other major shells.

It's pretty nifty to get 3 pieces of gear in 4 runs. Also, I'm now officially first in line for PUP legs and feet, which makes me hopeful... At this rate, I'll have to change primary and sub soon.

There's only a few more slots left for me to upgrade:
Main: Perdu Hanger, Koggelmander, Fragarach (Lol c.c)
Body: Magus Jubbah +1
Head: Homam Zuchini, Voyager's Sallet
Hands: Denali Wristbands, Morrigan's Cuffs, Homam Manapolas
Legs: Homam Cosciales
Feet: Denali Gamashes, Homam Gambieras
Ring: Rajas Ring, Balrahn's Ring, Blood Ring





Omari said...

woooot congrats!:D

Khellendros said...
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Khellendros said...

Hehe... I'm gonna catch youuuuuu!

My BLU is 62 now (dinged farming spinal cleave lawl) and I'm only missing Memento Mori to complete my spell hunting up to lvl 69.

... Yeah. I got Body Slam. I duo'd it with Ayd. If you're in shock, that means I still am too. But we're totally awesome and stuff, you know.

Vagu'Stae said...

Saw you ingame. You look dead sexy. ;3