
Mockery of Justice

Xxxx obtains a piece of Omega's Eye.
Xxxx>> Worst Homam piece EVER, but whatever.
>>Xxxx Actually it's one of the best for BLU.
Xxxx>> Really?
>>Xxxx +4 Macc
>>Xxxx and the Haste for spell recasts and accuracy.
[Why he got the Homam Zuchetto:]

Oh, and one last thing:

Edit: Blurred for your pleasure.


Vagu'Stae said...

VD? Tools? To my knowledge, a lot of friendly people are in that LS. c_c

Btw, may I suggest to increase blur strength a bit more? I'm kinda able to figure out whose name was blurred. x.x;

RinZhu said...

I wana know who it was!
allso lol.. to many think they know what they talking about.. but who would rly know anything enless you try it out befor dissing it... right?

Aydindril said...

Lulz. I can tell who the tard saying VD are tools is, but none of the rest. :o

I want a post of your latest accomplishment in nyzul!!