
Blue Mage 101: Policies, Etiquette & Disciplinary Action

Good evening, class.

First of all, my deepest condolences to Omari regarding the Silver Sea Remnants fiasco. Our hearts are with you.

Anyway, I should have discussed this on the first day of class, and of course I forgot to send you all home with a syllabus. Today, I would like to put a pause on our exploration of Blue Magic to discuss my particular class policies.

I am not new to this material, but I am still learning. Be that as it may, I believe that after several years of experience in the field, I am well-equipped to address the passing interest of laymen, the questions of fledglings, and the musings of experts.

I will not, however, tolerate disrespect in my classroom. If you have something to contribute, I will gladly allow this blog to be a forum for your ideas. If, on the other hand, you believe that this is a place to hound and harass me or my students, kindly make your way to the door. I will promptly intercept and delete your comments without remorse.

And don't think that masking your condescending tone under the guise of "trying to help" is going to get you anywhere. I can spot a sour apple from twenty yalms, regardless of how brilliantly it shines. This includes snide remarks regarding my knowledge of the internal mechanics of the game, which, I remind you, can only be explored through reverse engineering that is in direct violation of the Entry User License Agreement. I trust you can pardon my ignorance of such forbidden topics.

What knowledge I have derived is largely practical, rather than theoretical, and has come entirely from praxis─the way I personally believe we are intended to learn.

My apologies for having to be such a sour Sally, but I do believe I was forced (greatly against my will I might add) to disable your commenting freedom. I could not abide by fielding numerous comments designed to insult rather than to inform.

I remind you all that this is my classroom. The day I come into yours and question your methods, you can call me a hypocrite. Until then, I have neither the obligation nor the desire to suffer your impertinence.

That's all for today. I look forward to seeing you all next time.

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