
Well Played: Rapakya

This guy puts Keiko to shame (well maybe not, but still pretty badass):
My Thoughts
I suppose with the right nuking gear, 800 damage Maelstrom to low-resist adds is doable. I do find the use of Regurgitation and Feather Storm pretty clever, since Feather Storm is a cheap, ranged attack to capitalize on Regurgitation's bind effect. Of course, that 280 Damage/MP Convergence'd Magic Hammer is just wild. I don't suppose you can manage that without Morrigan, but I'm still shocked he landed it without +Skill gear--as you can see, he needs +skill for MP Drainkiss.

Bravo with Fenrir. The duration on those binds, from Regurgitation, and I'm guessing Ice Break(?), and the Gravity from Magnetite Cloud are very impressive. The consistent 500 damage Regurgitations and their lengthy bind effects are so praiseworthy that I'd like to furnish a build for it myself.

On the other hand, I'm not impressed much with Firespit, though I'm sure he's using it to capitalize on his Taru INT. A well-geared, non-Taru player could probably pull off 1.1k Heat Breaths, even /NIN, without having to worry about the INT v INT or INT v MDEF calc, though admittedly, with all that gearswapping and taking damage, it'd be hard to keep your HP up. Either because Fenny is Dark-based, or because Morrigan has no +CHR (or both), he chose to use Firespit over Eyes on Me.

This once again brings us back to the all-important take-home message: start whoring Salvage, kids.

The cuffs in particular are absolutely badass for all your semi-nuking and aspiring needs. All the other pieces have viable, cheaper, and less time-consuming alternatives, but you won't get the extra MAB without the full set, which may or may not be feasible depending on the target mob's resistance.


HART said...

Just wanted to add, he has a few other videos if you wanna check them out (some of RDM solos, others of BLU solos).

Direct link: http://zoome.jp/rapakya/diary_list/

Though, honestly, I'd recommend using the translated page. Things might not make sense, but the titles of videos are translated enough to know what's BLU solo and what's not.

Anonymous said...

It makes me a sad panda, but his zoome.jp pages are all gone.