
Featured Friend: Firewall

TinycName: Firewall
Relation: Partner in Crime

How We Met:
Once upon a golden afternoon, Eremes, a lowly THF, had taken steed to the Pashhow Marshlands to slay and collect blood from fallen leeches. But hark! A Galka calls! The stalwart man-mountain sought an extra derriere to sit on a switch in the Garlaige Citadel, so very far from the marshes.

The THF had considered denying the request; his pockets were lined with nothing but lint and he was in dire need of new accouterments. Still, the call of a Galka cannot be resisted--not by his kind--and so he made haste for the dilapidated fortress in the Champaign mountains.

And what came of it? The behemoth had obtained a pair of old gloves from a coffer therein. Who would have known it would have led to such an enduring amistad. The Galka needed an apprentice, and the THF needed a mentor, and so, the two were bound 'til the end of their days.

TinycWhat Do I Think?: Firewall is probably one of my best friends on FFXI, who I met through FFXI. It kind of weirded me out to think I could have a fast friendship with someone through an online game, but I've been embracing virtual camaraderie more and more. Even if it isn't the same as a friendship in person, it's completely analogous to one, and we're rapidly moving into a world where relationships like this will become all the more common.

If I had an adoptive older brother, it'd probably be him (which is funny because I'm actually older).

And to Omari: We are not married, but I won't forget to invite you to the shower.

Fun Fact(s)
: FW has access to at least 4 accounts at any given time. He has Cooking and Woodworking crafts, but doesn't level them!

Job He Should Play Next
: He'll probably never get around to it, but I will say PLD. He loves tanking, though you wouldn't necessarily know it.

*On his 'mule.'


HART said...

Galka :(

Eremes said...

<3 :3