
'No' to Mirage Jubbah Again

To whom it may concern:

Tinyb Duelist's Tabard: O
Valor Leggings: O
Mirage Jubbah: X

And to make matters worse, we killed the {Mega Boss} after our designation was up, so a few people couldn't get the win.

Eremes dies a little inside.





Falkinn said...

Aww dude, that totally sucks :( Hopefully you'll get it next time :D

Omari said...

D= I can't tell if that's sarcasm or not. lol Text is kinda heard to "read" sometimes.

Also, that reminded me that I wanted to ask about the images at the start of each post. Are you just aligning the image to the left then continuing on with your post? Cause, I kinda like that. XD I was thinking about doing something at the start of all my posts like that but have it be very thin vertically but very wide.

Vagu'Stae said...

/patpat :(

I remember when duelist's Tabard used to never drop for me, and they say that it's a very common drop in Beauc. ; ;

And that pic of your char with the /stagger emote inspires me, too.

Eremes said...

*hopes you all will read this XD*

Yeah, that's what I tend to do, Omari :3 sometimes I switch it up with "middle" and "right" :3

And thank you, Vagu :3