
Se Me Fue La Mano

I think SE might have overdone it a little in this update. From what I hear from other players, Vanity Dive does 700-900 damage for ~55MP and 2 Set points (and Accuracy Bonus). Benthic Typhoon, for about the same MP cost, can do upwards of 3000 damage with Sneak Attack and adds DEF Down and closes Darkness. Quad. Continuum, perhaps the craziest of all, appears to consistently hit between 2500 and 4000 damage even on EM+, assuming you're using Chain Affinity/Efflux.

I've never seen numbers so high on Blue Mage, or on any job for that matter. I can't help but wonder how other spike jobs are faring (RNG, BLM, THF, etc). If the general consensus is that BLU has been overpowered by this last update, then we might see a considerably less impressive batch of spells in the next update. We might also see the other DDs get overbeefed to compensate, setting up the same situation we saw at 75.

I am all for buffing Blue Mage; it's a great job that has had a bum rep for far too long. But you can't forget that we can heal and buff ourselves extremely well as it is (we cure on par, if not better, than RDM and SCH). We also can sleep and debuff things. Jobs like SAM and WAR are designed exclusively to kick things in the face, usually via spike damage.To maintain the balance of the game, they will need to restrict BLU's versatility when parsing at or above another DD without any other special abilities.

We will have to see. Perhaps the other spikers are already ahead; I haven't been keeping track of how well SAM is doing or how strong TV and -ja spells are. Or maybe the higher MP costs are going to be the balancing factor; if Max MP has not increased dramatically in the last 10 levels, then 100+ MP out of 6-700ish max will restrict the use of these spells. If, however, there is no drawback, be expecting a nerf in some form: either a direct nerf or a rebalancing of the other classes in the next update.

I will have to see for myself, but I can say this: BLU (or any job) as the end-all, be-all job is not sustainable.


Anonymous said...

well blue has a bad rep for Zerg situations, maybe this is to even us out. with our limit being our MP they can allow us room to hit big numbers. from what i've seen, all non-magic jobs have gotten squat. thf gets dual wield at 85 which allows it to /sam or something. anyways i hope they continue this way, wont have to level another job after all ^^

Eremes said...

BLU as a respected DD? Preposterous! But I do think the balancing may work out. I still haven't seen numbers on VT+/IT enemies, so we might see that BLU is now on equal footing with other DDs with the MP constraint as the balancing factor.

Really, I believe allocation of MP, rather than spell set or traits, will determine what BLU can and can't do, because even if we can heal for 5-600 HP, Haste ourselves and put out huge numbers, we won't be able to do everything without running into severe MP management issues.

It does beg the question of whether a well-supported BLU can now effectively outparse other heavy DDs though.

Anonymous said...

I personally don't think the new spells don't warrant a nerf because of their high damage on EM and lower monsters. Its true we produce so much firepower by ourselves. But as other jobs start getting benefits from songs and get hasted, they begin to close that gap with higher ws frequency. We only benefit from march mainly giving us a lower recast time. Their limit is TP, which can go on indefinitely, we have MP where we will eventually hit the bottom. Also for us to produce those massive numbers, we must expend 2 of our job abilities and 91 mp. I don't think its very common for ballad to enter the brd rotation, but with 2h+Ballad II/III, blu zerging might be possible?
Here's some info though.
In Abyssea, the average QC on IT I have come out with is about 900-1.3k without CA/efflux. 1.8-2.2k with CA or Efflux, and 2.7-3k with both. I have not tried big baddies(the ones you zerg) yet however.

Eremes said...

It would be neat to see BLU in a BLM pt for Refresh/Ballad since it's usually thrown into a DD pt and given ATK/March. Treating physical spells as "physical nuke" damage would be a fresh change of pace.

Those are some impressive numbers. Maybe Enchainment really is where it's at now. :o

Anonymous said...

Yes, forgot to mention I had 5/5 enchainment merits. What would be a proper test of our damage ability is fighting mobs of a much higher level, similiar to how (un)effective we were at 75 zerging against kirin.

Eremes said...

Or even worse, Einherjar... BLU couldn't even zerg T1 bosses. It was one of the major reasons I hated Einherjar so much. I would actually bring my Breath build with me to switch into during the boss phase because the breath nukes were much stronger than melee DPS and DD spell damage. :(

Zeota said...

Took 'em long enough to get things right. Well maybe not "right" per say but still very much a step in the right direction.

Anonymous said...

for einherjar waves i usually just spam headbutt to lower the death rates for our ally. with as many dd's as can come, the mob dies fast enough without me blowing through all my mp. as far as zerging goes; on the tenshin fight i always out DD sams/drgs/wars/ etc. let them do their 2hour, self chaining, etc. then start nuking to finish him off. back at level 75 and 80* btw. but i think you're right that blues can now be grouped with Blm's.