
The Slow Climb isn't so Slow Any More

... You just have to do it 16 times! NIN is finally done, and even capped its skills just because I'm OCD like that. I could have tanked (probably extremely well) on NIN, but I went solo, 37-49, through FoV. Took about a week of on-and-off exping. 

Now, a smart person would move on to MNK (yes, seeing another breath spell 75-80 tells me HP-based magic isn't going anywhere), because of the gear overlap, but no! I want something different. So now it's WAR. :3

There's still no word as to whether BLU is getting Dual Wield on main yet, but then again, no job adjustments have been announced either, so I can still dream. I'll need /WAR for PUP anyway, and here's to hoping I can sub WAR, whore DA/sTP and spam Vorpal Blade.

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