
FFXI Demands the Floor

... So I think I'm going to start a gamer's blog. While I love keeping you all posted on all the silly things I do on XI, I love talking shit about things/people even more, and said shit-talking demands my attention.

Status update:


That is totally Proto-Ultima dying to DoT. We had a weakened Rin waiting in the wings with some Bloodpact goodness, but one tic of HP regen would have royally screwed us. Let's just say it was pretty damned close. What can we say! We're just that heroic!

And the bitch puts out. After that little... incident last time, she decided to give us some pretty new pants!

BLUs, unlike other DDs, don't have the luxury of sacrificing Accuracy or MP for the Haste on Duck Gloves. Kind of wish you could augment away the +Enmity on them, but whatever; I tank pretty well anyway. I'm actually considering making a Physical Damage Reduction set, but I don't know if I can be bothered with it.

Undisputed best Endgame spell-casting headgear currently available.

Best nuking hands for BLUs not-counting under Azure Lore.

The logic behind the mantle and gorget is that making a full magic accuracy gear-swap means a higher recast on Temporal Shift and Actinic Burst (Do not want). You want to keep those recasts as low as humanly possible. As such, Denali Gamashes, Morrigan's Cuffs, Mirage Shalwar, even Homam Zucchetto, are all slots where you're sacrificing crucial Haste. Back, Neck, and Rings are all Hasteless slots that don't cause gearblink, and are thus prime targets for your magic accuracy gear-swap, at least in situations where you're soloing or semi-tanking.


RinZhu said...


Omari said...

least you guys are doing ultima. We've had an ultima set for over a month and never have enough on to do it.