
Why People Hate Blue Mages

Have you spent sleepless nights pondering the great mystery of why it is that people hate Blue Mages? You, my friend, are not alone. Many of us have taken a liking to the curious cerulean assassins of the near east, but have been shunned, turned away, ridiculed. Why, we ask, why?

I could think of no better example than a one "Ms. M." on our very own Siren server. Perhaps the kitty White Mage needed a few more thousand experience to cap her next merit, or perhaps Ms. M., like many of us, finds trouble getting merit party invites as a Blue Mage. There is the third, equally likely contingency that Ms. M. has no idea what the hell she's doing.

Let's start off with gear, shall we? Imps are in fact Black Mage type mobs, and as such, have poor evasion. Fair enough. Regardless, they check Very Tough bordering Incredibly Tough in this neck of the woods. Why, Ms. M., are you wearing Alkyoneus' Bracelets to cast the big three? Are you aware that all three have significant secondary DEX modifiers? Are you audacious enough to believe that as a Blue Mage, +14 accuracy is good enough to TP with? And that +7 Magic Accuracy you have on you is excellent for all the magical spells you happen to be casting.

Now, I'm not much of a gear-snob myself. I could care less how poor your gear is as long as it makes sense. Let's skip the gear and move on to the actual method of taking Imps down. Seasoned Blue Mages know that one cannot afford to cast every attack spell per pull without incurring some taxing downtime. Apparently Ms. M. is not aware of this.

She seems to believe Chain Affinity Disseverment, Frenetic Rip, Hysteric Barrage, Spinal Cleave, and finally another Disseverment is a great way to take an imp down. She doesn't even need to recast shadows because the imps go down so fast!

Cocoon, Magic Fruit, Actinic Burst, and Temporal Shift are useless novelties in her world. In fact, a Distortion self-skillchain wouldn't even be a wise use of her MP and TP, assuming she gets any TP at all. Thank the stars that imps can only inflict Amnesia or Silence; only one of those two statuses can severely hamper a Blue Mage's capacities. And if all else fails, there is a White Mage with Silena, Haste, and Cure V right behind her every step of the way.

A good 1-2 minute rest/TP wipe after every battle sets a great pace for solo/duo exp, especially when you're having a White Mage hovering at 90% MP at all times covering your healing and buffing. If that's not fast enough, why change up your tactics when you could just summon another Blue Mage lackey to spam just as hard as you! The mob goes down twice as fast!!

The reason, my friends, that people hate Blue Mages, is that they happen upon someone like Ms. M., and they get jealous~

They think, "She's just too powerful; she takes everything down too quick!!" After all, that's what Blue Mage is all about, isn't it?

Spam the spell and win!!


HART said...

Hey, I know who you're talking about! She's that blue mage that did that thing...

You know, that thing that pissed you off and caused that other thing to thing her thing in thing's thing for thing a thing thing thing what thing?


Aydindril said...


WoV = Toraimorai canal right outside the BCNM zone. I think.

Anonymous said...

now you're in Graberg [S]

and Ms. M is a nobody. screw her.

HART said...

Correction: now he's in Misareaux Coast, presumably in that little pathway leading to the open area with malboros, flytraps and fomors that leads to the Riverne Site entrance.

...right? <_<