
Life or Something Like It

TinycNot going to lie; I've actually never seen that movie. I just have this thing against Angelina Jolie as a blonde. She's too... "exotic"-looking to pull off golden curls. I'm also not very fond of her as an actress, but I have heard good things about Changeling.

So I've been gone for about a week. I've gotten on for a little while here 'n' there to hunt for maps. Now that I'm actually close to 79/79, I'm enraptured with map quests.

Huge, huge thanks to Firewall for playing as me for ZNMs and snagging me the Blood Ring and Coiler. Figures I'd go 1/1 on the drops I need when I'm being played vicariously.

I'm still going to try to top off my maps, but I'm going to be sulking a bit these next few days.

I'm very far away from a very special someone.


Omari said...

aw I miss you too baby. :P

I jest I jest..

Hope everything is going well and continues to do so. Also love the new banner. :)

Aydindril said...

Teehee. Maps ftw, I'll help you out if you're on today. :)

HART said...

:( hope you feel better bud, life's too short and precious to be washed up in sorrow :/