
'Life Outside my Kitchen is so Bright and Scary'

I'm literally up to 25/26 possible Treasure Casket items for Sauromogue Champaign. That's well over 50 caskets, unlocked or otherwise.


Brass Armor? The whole set! Cotton Armor? Mhmm. Vegetable Seeds, Ethers, Potions - I've got 'em all.

Know what I don't have?
A motherf^cking Herder's Subligar.
Fields of Valor has completely destroyed my desire to play Final Fantasy XI...

Ironic too. I'm first in line for the last two pieces of Homam I need, and 40% of the shell decides to skip town. Thank god the chips are on my shoulder... literally. <.< That and like, there's a real-life out there that has only recently smacked me with its pimp glove and made me its bitch. Love, ends meet, and creative fulfillment are all priorities I suddenly find myself without. So we'll see how much more I can do on XI.

Puppetry and gambling sure have piqued my interest though...

P.S. if you ever want a laugh, just talk to Aydindril. When I'm down in the dumps, I just get her on the horn and everything is made good again.


Aydindril said...


Firewall said...


HART said...

Actually, it's more like ~33.3% of the LS that decided to skip town ;D

Then again, 33.3% of 0 isn't a whole lot, if you know what I mean...

Omari said...
