
Thining Thummer Thuplex

Wow, so I kind of forgot about this, but while I'm here, let me chew your ear (or, in this case, your EYE) off about all the news!

So, um... Ayd finished Gungnir, which is neato because Additional Effect: Weakens Defense saves me 3 set points and makes me feel uber. It's ubrosity by osmosis, really. Congratulations, Ayd!

Wings of the Goddess, thus far, has been excellent. This expansion continues to deliver while keeping the requirements relatively light. The cast is really starting to grow on me, a lot more than say, the cast of CoP did. I'm a little worried the final battle will pull a U-turn like ToAU did, but let's hope by then, 80Cap will make it feasible for certain lighter DDs to participate.

We finally got around to killing Odin tonight. He's a bit of an assclown. I know Square-Enix's new thing is making enemies that inflict 5000 status effects to get those WHMs busy, but it's kind of obnoxious for blink tanking, which apparently SE has outlawed in all of its newer events. Oh, he also is immune to stun and flash. :D


Turning One's Luck Around

And for the curious-at-heart: