

TinycLady Lilith: It would appear you have deprived me of two Pawns. No matter--a small price to pay to flush out your Queen. And with that, I draw my final playing piece, my King, to close this match. 

Scattered pieces lie where they fall. Whoever shall pick them up again...?

So, this time around, we had a much easier time. I can affirm that Magic Accuracy and Blue Magic Skill affect Head Butt processing to an extent that greatly warrants their use. If other additional effects behave the same way, the Dark-path soulsaber is a Blue Mage's best friend. Additionally, we finally have a good use for mirage mantle and Sturm's report.

Anyway, what a plot twist! The Development Team is completely absolved of their previous laziness (the last one was awful), because at least this laziness is sexy. Like always, I'm hooked, dying to finish the next set of missions as soon as they're released. Next stop: Abyssea.


Note: I spared you all of any screenshots that had spoilers.

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